Veganism during the Pandemic…

The year 2020 has been the year where I got an opportunity to reflect back to myself and my actions. This led me towards Veganism and their agenda of anti-animal cruelty which has become mine eventually.

First of all, it is very essential to learn that Veganism is not merely a diet. It is a way of living a life where being compassionate towards other living beings is as important as us.

I am glad that the path I am on right now has certainly taught me so much about life. The life where I can make the right choices and influence others to do the same.

We should understand the value of life as early as possible. In this planet, everyone deserves to live their life and no one has the right to take that away for the pleasure of others.

Going Veganism…

When we hear about somebody going Vegan, we might raise our eyebrows and start judging people. A few years ago, I used to feel the same way and thought if veganism is even possible in the society where we’re living?

But actually, it is not a big of a deal as I’ve thought. It is one of the simplest ways to live a life and also feel good about it.

It changes you in so many ways from inside and out and gives you a new perspective in your life. The priority of your life will change from being self-centred to being more selfless and giving.

The idea of the food you eat will change. It means you will be more thankful to nature for providing us with nutritional food and value it more than ever.

Your food will no longer contain the emotions of pain, suffering, separation, anxiety and hurt. The matter of taste will not prevail with the amount of suffering that goes through in the process.

The year 2020 for me is the year of reflecting back towards what I did consciously and unconsciously. The motto of my life has always been to be kinder and simpler as I can be and veganism has been the tool towards my journey.

Hereby, the journey of veganism might not be easy however, I am glad that I am already on it and determined to stick to it till the end. If I could influence any of you towards veganism then I believe one day the world will be a better place to live for everybody.

Many Thanks.

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