Month: May 2017

Squint Eye in Babies

Squint eye in babies occurs when one eye turns inward, outward, upward or downward and another eye looks forward normally. It is also called Strabismus in medical terms. This indicates that the weak eye has a poor vision. If it continues further then the child could develop a ‘lazy...

Daughters are a blessing

Daughters are a blessing to every parent. I am quite fortunate that I have a daughter. Her innocent eyes, sparkling laughter, endearing walk, babbling talk always makes my heart melt. Over-emotional and expressive with all hugs and kisses and as loud as screaming machine when angry. She is one of a...

Post-Pregnancy weight gain

The only setback after having a baby is the post-pregnancy weight gain. Unless you are fit who hits the gym few weeks after having your child, you tend to gain weight. Applause to those women who are able to balance things between their newborn and work. Even the study...

Night time feeding Trauma

Are you exhausted and tired of the constant night time feeding routine? Most of the parents are sleep deprived because their little one is hungry and wants a feed in the middle of the night. Is your baby really hungry or it’s just a comfort feeding? Night time feeding drains...