Month: June 2017

Heart to Heart with my future daughter..

Hello to my future daughter, There is something that I want you to know. You’ve been my first priority, the centre of attention and princess of my heart since you were born. There is not a single day when I’ve loved you less. As of now, mommy realized that it’s...

Summer Food Ideas for Busy Mamas

Hello, super mamas! Is the summer heat really taking a toll on you? You are a busy mama and this humid heat has really got on your nerves, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’ve got few summer food ideas to help you cool down.   Overnight oats: It’s a popular breakfast recipe...

Fathers day importance in our Lives

What’s the importance of fathers on this Fathers day? The pillar behind the endurance of every mother’s pain, who’s there to ease the hardship by filling love and joy in our lives is ‘Father’. Their parenting style is often criticized and understated. But their contribution towards their loved ones is...

Baby Sign Language and Speech Development

Whether your child is under or over a year old, I think baby sign language plays a major role in developing their speech and language a step ahead. It’s easy to communicate with your child through sign language as they know what you are signing and telling them to...