Month: March 2017

Watch out for Tongue Ties in babies

Hello everybody, It’s very unfortunate when your baby has got a Tongue Tie and you are unaware about it for a longer period of time. If you don’t know anything about Tongue Tie then here is a brief illustration, so here you go, your baby has a tongue tie...

Fish Chowder for Toddlers

I once tried this recipe with salmon and my daughter loved it so much that now I’ve decided to make this recipe again using Cod fish. The good news is that she loved it even more so, I’m going to share my version of this recipe to you guys....

BCG vaccine to Babies

What is BCG vaccine? The Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine is a vaccine given to the people who are prone to transmit Tuberculosis. It affects any part of the body but mainly lungs through the air so when a person with active TB  sneezes, coughs or even speaks could transmit TB to other...

Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

It is a well-known fact that Mother’s body itself produces breast milk when she is merely pregnant with her baby. The body of the mother itself adapts and prepares before the delivery to protect the baby in the outer world. The first milk called “colostrum” is one of them that...

Still Breastfeeding after a year ?

You deserve a round of applause Moms! Give yourself a pat on a back for all the pain you’ve been through the whole time. However, there is always a question on your mind, for how long, isn’t it? All the media around us, social sites, doctors to Health visitors...

Constipation in babies and How I deal with it.

The day when my baby turned 6 months old,  I introduced her first solid food. Within few weeks she began to show discomfort such as straining, turning her face red, crying while passing the poop and having few bowl movements (once or twice in a week), then I realised she might...

What would you do this Mother’s Day ?

How to make your Mother’s Day special? Yet another year of big celebration is around the corner when Mothers around the world will be honoured and celebrated on this Mother’s Day. We celebrate Mother’s Day every year to remind ourselves the importance of our Mothers in our lives that...

Homemade Baby Cereal

Learn with me how to make your own baby cereal at home. It is cost effective, easy, nutritious and tasty enough that your little one would love it. Copyright protected by Digiprove © 2017...