Month: April 2017

Creating safe environment for the children

One of the most important duties of every parent, whether it’s expecting parents or already a parent, is to create a safe environment for the child. The concept of creating a safe environment has been quite overrated these days that sometimes we tend to overlook it in our practical life. Whenever...

How to cut Newborns nail ?

Newborns nails are very thin and soft compared to that of the toddlers. Even though their nails tend to be soft, it can scratch their face or eyes which are very sensitive part of their body. If you’re a new mum then you’ll understand it’s quite difficult job as...

Why no salt & sugar for baby?

Most of the new Moms like me often find themselves trapped inside their own notion of thought when it comes to what’s wrong and right for their babies. There are precedented beliefs in our society where one is compelled to follow the deeds of their ancestors and there is...

Shaving Baby’s hair for hair growth?

Hello everybody ! It is believed that when baby’s hair is shaved during their early stage, it encourages the hair growth and makes it thicker and fuller later in their life. The apparent hair growth after the shave that seems thicker than normal hair even indicates how true this...

MMR vaccine and Autism

I was not aware about the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine movements spreading around the world and all over social media until I got my daughter her 12 months MMR vaccine – (Mumps, Measles and Rubella).  It was an overwhelming experience to understand MMR and it’s horror as it’s being linked to autism in children....

Baby Ear piercing controversy

Why is this even a controversial subject? You might be wondering, but yes it is quite a controversial topic at least here in UK. There is even an online petition to ban baby ear-piercing where more than 41,000 people have signed the petition against it. The petition creator stated it...