What to expect from 3 years old?

If you’ve passed the ‘terrible twos’ phase then get ready to face another phase of ‘the terrible threes’.

A three years old child is much more handful than two years old. It means that this stage is much more demanding in terms of their emotional development.

Gradually, they will experience all kinds of emotions. Our duty as a parents become crucial because they will learn from us more than the others. So, it’s important to have a right set of mind ourselves first to empower them emotionally.

Traits of 3 years old

A Messy House

If you are obsessed with cleaning up, then you should take it slow when you have a 3-year-old in the house. They’d often scatter their toys wherever they go even when they’re not playing.

So, it’s better to save your energy and guide your little one to tidy up along with you.

Chatty little one

Once your naive 2-year-old reaches the mischievous 3, prepare yourself to answer thousands of “Why’s” and “How’s” questions.

Make this an advantage by teaching them the essence of life that uplifts their emotional stability and also the skills of learning various languages and vocabulary.


They usually are quite vulnerable to handle their own emotions like adults. So, their happiness goes overboard and reach to the utmost height of pleasure whereas, their sorrow reaches to the utmost height of grief.

My suggestion is to make your little one aware of their emotions in a positive way. Let them know, the reason behind their joy and sorrow and let them acknowledge it themselves.


Here, let’s not forget that your child is going to impersonate you from the time of their birth. You might not realize it until they reach the age of 3.

I’m just making you aware of your own conducts towards them and the society that you live in. They are quite outspoken and make you register of your own actions.


I’m telling you, a 3 year old never seems to get tired. They can jump and run all day without feeling exhausted.

However, stick to the nap time routine even for an hour so that they can re-energise. On the other hand, I can assure you that you will get yourself aplenty of time to spare.

Mischievious nature

They only functions well when they get into some mischievous acts. It’s probably how they learn what is right and wrong. However, sometimes it can really make you stressed out.

So, to avoid this, try to stay calm in those situations and set boundaries and limitations that is appropriate for your child. This will assure both of your peace of mind.


It’s the only habit that gets them into trouble at this age. As a parent, we should know that there is a difference between self-respect and self-centred.

Self-centred gets them into trouble as it focuses only on their likes and wants. And self-respect makes them feel worth for what they do such as sharing and caring.

This is the age when we have to really let them know that sharing and being compassionate towards each other is very important. We can explain it well through play and sometimes even our own actions towards others.

Look at the bigger picture

It doesn’t mean that you will only have to experience the mischievous side of your child. There are plenty of good memories you can create with your 3 years old. They are equally intelligent and natural.

However, I also want to add that not all of the 3 years old acquire these similar traits. They differ based on their own personality that they carry from their own inner self.

Therefore, it’s our duty as a parent to strengthen them emotionally and let them enjoy their childhood.

Thank you.

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